Marvell High School
Class of 1974
Class of 1974 Page1
Class of 1974 Page 2
Historic Photos
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Historic Photos



Janet Robinson--Miss Mustang

1971 Homecoming Court--Betty Bass and Hugh Crisp in the center (Who are the rest?)

1971 Homecoming Court

Dennis Bonner, Betty Bass, and Hugh Crisp (Dennis was killed in a car wreck in 1971)

Send in via e-mail those scanned photos!  Send photos that you took in/or after high school and that are NOT in our yearbook so that they can be shared with others:


Prom photos from 1974?

Reunion / or Get-To-Gather photos before 2002?

Band, choir, Cheerleading, athletic or other club event's photos?

The black and white photos above were contributed by Ruth, Betty, and Clara Bass, and Janet Woods Robinson.