If you have a current photo, we'd like to add this to the site.
We can fix this page so that when someone scrolls across your image,
a current photo will appear. This means that you need to get those
current photos scanned and sent in!
Dorothy Ann
Adams |
Howeard Edward
Adkins |
Alexander |
Deborah Lois
Allen |
Maebell Barnes |
Ruthie Lee
Barnes |
Debra Dianna
Beard |
Elda May Beard |
Verlene Bennett |
Elizabeth Ann
Berry |
John Henry
Berry |
Jamie Clair
Bloesch |
James Edward
Bloodsaw |
Robert Dan
Buckingham |
Burnett |
Virginia Ann
Childress |
Shirley Cole |
Ray Evelyn
Coleman |
Shirley Lee
Coleman |
Sammie Lee Cox |
Barbara Janice
Crisp |
William Albert
Davidson |
Davis |
Gilbert Day |
Drayton |
Dan Dubach |
Alvin Wayne
Ewing |
Johnnie Mae
Farr |
Ramana Farr |
Ray laneal
Franks |
Frederick, Jr. |
Prince Ann
Gilmore |
Larry Gene
Gschwend |
Darrel Ray
Hardy |
Naomi Herring |
James Ray
Hickman |
Linda Lavern
Hopson |
Joann Beverly
Houston |
Lynn Lenard
Houston |
Carolyn Ann
Johnson |
Gertrude Jones |
James Jones |
Robert Lee
Jones |
Claude Bradley
King |
Sandra Verl
Lane |
Sherry Ann
Lofton |
Patricia Anne
Mackey |
Bobby Ray
Martin |
Kenneth Mason |
McDonald |
the music becomes annoying on a page, wait till it fully loads, then
click on the stop button in your browser) |