If you have a current photo, we'd like to add this to the site.
We can fix this page so that when someone scrolls across your image,
a current photo will appear. This means that you need to get those
current photos scanned and sent in!
Gloria Dean
Moore |
Steven Morris
Moots |
Patricia Ann
Nelson |
Debra Arlean
Newsome |
Laretta Alfreda
Owens |
Pippins |
Prowell |
Robinson |
John Allen
Rodgers |
Clemons Rose |
John Bluff
Scaife |
Ronald Jackson
Scaife |
Sandra Kay
Scaife |
Cynthia Jane
Schumann |
Josh Douglas
Scott |
Lillian Louise
Scott |
Ralph Douglas
Seals |
Frank Thomas
Simon |
Albert Sims |
Alice Marie
Sims |
Lavern Sims |
Melvin Sims |
Aaron Smith |
Armon Smith |
Jephenia Smith |
Myrtis Smith |
Pearl Jean
Smith |
Faye Jean
Speaks |
Alvin Earl
Sumpter |
Carl Edward
Tabb |
Cora Priscilla
tate |
Wyonia Tate |
Taylor |
Milton Taylor |
Johnny Lee
Thomas |
Doris Jean
Thurman |
Patricia Ann
Turner |
James Willie
Davis Vaughn |
Ora Lee Walker |
Washington |
Willie Ruth
Washington |
Barbara Sue
Fears Wilborn |
Vivian Jean
Williams |
Aaron Wills |
the music becomes annoying on a page, wait till it fully loads, then
click on the stop button in your browser) |