Marvell High School
Class of 1972
Class of 1972 Page1
Class of 1972 Page 2
Historic Photos
Class Directory
In Memoriam
Links Page



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Gloria Dean Moore Steven Morris Moots Patricia Ann Nelson Debra Arlean Newsome Laretta Alfreda Owens
Theronnie Pippins Jimmiestene Prowell Lashruth Robinson John Allen Rodgers Earnestine Clemons Rose
John Bluff Scaife Ronald Jackson Scaife Sandra Kay Scaife Cynthia Jane Schumann Josh Douglas Scott
Lillian Louise Scott Ralph Douglas Seals Frank Thomas Simon Albert Sims Alice Marie Sims
Lavern Sims Melvin Sims Aaron Smith Armon Smith Jephenia Smith
Myrtis Smith Pearl Jean Smith Faye Jean Speaks Alvin Earl Sumpter Carl Edward Tabb
Cora Priscilla tate Wyonia Tate Brendolyn Taylor Milton Taylor Johnny Lee Thomas
Doris Jean Thurman Patricia Ann Turner James Willie Davis Vaughn Ora Lee Walker Veotis Washington
Willie Ruth Washington Barbara Sue Fears Wilborn Vivian Jean Williams Aaron Wills  
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